Tuesday 3 July 2012

Gym'll fix it

While all this was going on, I was of course still going to the gym. By late June I had graduated to squats with a 12kg kettle bell, I no longer feared ab crunches with a 4kg medicine ball, could manage 50 ab curls on the TRX apparatus and 40 girly press ups, 72 sit ups in various guises and a few other things mixed in. But the tricep exercises still killed my arms every time.

But, I felt much stronger in general and could notice the difference on the bike.

I also noticed the difference in my bank balance.

Personal trainers do not come cheap. Each hourly session costs me £44 if I book them in blocks of 3 (plus of course, gym fees). And I have roughly 4 a month which comes to around £265. Yikes. But I've found it's the best way to keep me on track and motivated.

Plus, I do still have a normal life which requires me to go out, socialise and spend money on petrol, food and boozes - and I'm ashamed to say I'm still smoking. Alas I fear the fags' and boozes' days are numbered. But this is all part of the bigger plan.

(Although I'm a bit worried about turning into a teetotal, health freak/cycle bore who no-one wants to hang out with. Mind you, I won't be able to afford to go out in a few months anyway).

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