Monday 9 July 2012

Spinning wheels

I survived my first spinning class yesterday. I must admit, I wasn't particularly looking forward to it.

But, after an early night on Saturday (dull, but rather essential) I shuffled off to the gym on Sunday morning and approached the dark room in the corner with all the shiny bicycle machines in it.

I sat next to a gentleman (the only guy there) who kept making helpful comments.... my laces were too long and might get caught... Had the instructor warned me about the dead weight free wheel (or something)..? I was gripping the handbars too hard...

Yes, he may have been trying to be helpful, but he was actually really annoying. Especially as I was trying to hear what the instructor was saying (seeing as she was the instructor, and it was my first time). Grrr.

Anyhow, we cycled and cycled and cycled. Very hard. And for a long time. To lots of loud music, with the instructor shouting at us. At one point, I think I had sweat actually dripping off my chin. Nice.

But the main point is, I survived! It was bloody hard work but it didn't kill me. And while I don't think I could ever call it fun, it will definitely help with the training.

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