Monday 9 July 2012


As weird as it may sound, the only bit of me that has started to hurt since I started upping the training is my thumbs.

Or to be more accurate, my thumb joints. I used to get a painful left thumb joint when I was a barmaid (about a hundred years ago), caused by collecting towering piles of empty pint glasses, in my left hand, supported by my left thumb. Ouch.

I've also always had double-jointed thumbs (well, until I sprained my right wrist quite badly a couple of years ago). Now I just have a double-jointed left thumb.

So I was a bit worried and mystified when my thumb joints started hurting about a week ago.

I asked a few cycling tweeters on twitter about it. And got some good advice back. Mainly to do with my posture, pressure on the handlebars and gripping too tightly.

Turns out Mr-know-it-all at the spinning class may have been on to something.

So as much as I hate it, I stand corrected.

Made a conscious difference in stance and grip today (God, I am boring myself now) but it made a real difference.

Just don't get me started on pedestrians who wait until their green man goes red, then do a dash across the road.

Really? You'd do that if I was a car?

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