Thursday 5 July 2012

Two steps forward...

... one step back.

Where I work, Thursdays are a now traditional boozy evening if you choose to partake - x amount of bottles of wine and beer are set out on the 4th floor and it's pretty much first come, first served until the booze runs out.

In my tiny head, booking training sessions for a Thursday means I can avoid this temptation. It also means (in reality) that come 5.15 (ish) I feel like banging my head against my desk thinking, "Why? Why did I book it for tonight when all I really want to do is have a nice (free) drink with the people I work with, when we actually get to talk about real life etc?"

Anyway, due to being away last weekend (and having to wait until payday to book any more) it has been 10 days since my last personal training session. And god did I feel it.

I was hoping that having cycled into work for 3 days last week (54 miles) and on Monday and Tuesday this week (36 miles), that might have helped, but not really.

I felt knackered before I even got there (OK, a late night last night probably didn't help) but even so... I needed more time for recovery between exercises and it just felt like a lot more hard work than last time.

Liam the trainer said I need to be going twice a week apart from sessions with him, so I need to start actually plotting time in for that. He's right as well, time is ticking on.

Mind you, he also said I am still progressing, just not as fast as I should be. (Or as well as I want to.) But silver linings and all that... managed to hit 126 meters in 30 secs on my 7th set on the rowing machine, (I started at working up to 100m on 3 sets). I can now do 3 x 12 reps of the 12kg kettle bell squats, although I find holding the damn weight the hardest thing, legs seem fine while arms go all wobbly.

Hey ho. Hoping to cycle into work tomorrow unless I wake up walking like Douglas Bader. Also a months worth of rain is predicted in the next 2 days. Bloody weather.

Feeling a bit 'bah' and disheartened with everything tonight. And I sound like a right whinger too.

My current nemesis (apart from the weather) - a 12kg kettle bell:

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